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- LittleBrother Troubleshooting
- ===========================================================
- LittleBrother reports failure to start driver.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- This occurs when the driver was not able to correctly link to the
- network driver.
- First of all, be sure to restart your system after installing
- LittleBrother. If you continue to have this problem, please
- follow the instructions below to allow us to look into the problem.
- 1) Open the system event viewer.
- 2) Select menu item "Log\System".
- 3) Select menu item "Log\Save As" to save the event log into a file.
- 4) Specify a unique file name for the event log file.
- 5) Email the saved event log file to Kansmen.
- Why can't I see any traffic?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- There can be several reasons.
- 1. There really is no Internet traffic. You should try to
- include all local network traffic (see below for detail instructions).
- 2. Misconfigured IP address. You should bring up the IP
- Configuration Dialog to ensure you have the correct IP address and
- subnet mask.
- 3. Uncertified proxy server. You may be using an uncertified
- proxy server. Contacts Kansmen Corporation for the updated list of
- certified proxy servers.
- 4. Switching-Hub. You may be using switching-hubs in your
- network. In this case, you may have to talk to your network manager
- to ask him/her to reconfigure your switching-hub to allow other users'
- computer traffic to pass by. See below for more information.
- 5. LittleBrother sometimes binds itself to another network adapter specified in your Network Properties
- window. Here is what you can do to fix this:
- - RIGHT mouse click on "My Computer", select Properties.
- - Click on tab "Device Manager."
- - (likely*) One of the devices will be visible as malfunctioning,
- with small red explamation mark on top of it.
- - Remove this extra driver which has no associated device.
- - Reboot the computer.
- * If the malfunctioning driver is not visible, open the
- "Network Adapters" item in the devices tree and check for
- duplicate drivers; only one driver should be listed,
- if your computer has one network card.
- To include all other local network traffic:
- Press the Configure button to bring up the Configuration dialog.
- Uncheck the "Exclude Intranet" checkbox.
- What are the requirements for LittleBrother to work on a Switching Hub network?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- - Many makers of switching hubs anticipated the need for
- monitoring and provided VLAN port which shows all available
- traffic.
- - Alternatively, some switching hubs can be configured to
- disable switching on any given port and turn it into a VLAN port.
- - If the hardware provides no monitoring aids, all Internet
- traffic can still be monitored by tapping into a connection
- between Internet router and the hub.
- On 10Base2 networks, this takes a T-connector.
- On 10BaseT networks, one will need an inexpensive 3-port hub.
- Why can I only see my own computer traffic, not others?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you have left LB running for a while (a few days) and still only
- see your own computer traffic, you are very likely running in a
- switching-hub environment. In this case, you have to talk to your
- network manager to ask him/her to reconfigure your switching-hub to allow
- other computer traffic to pass by.
- Why can't I see a particular user?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- First, you have to let LB run for enough time to detect most of the
- users in your network. LB will only display all the detected users.
- LB can only detect those logged-in users that are using the network
- or Internet in the same network segment during the discovery period.
- For those users that are not logged in to use the network/Internet,
- LB will not be able to know of such a user's existence.
- Second, if the user is not in the same segment as yours, and LB is
- not configured to monitor traffic from that segment, and the other
- users' traffic from that segment does not run through your machine,
- LittleBrother will not see such a user.
- Third, you may not be able to see all the users because of a license
- restriction; see below.
- Note: a network segment is a physical boundary that separates network
- users into physical groups.
- Why can I only see my own computer traffic, and not others?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you have left LB running for a while (a few days) and still only
- see your own computer traffic, you are very likely running in a
- switching-hub environment. In this case, you have to talk to your
- network manager to ask him/her to reconfigure your switching-hub to
- allow other computer traffic to pass by.
- Why can't I see the full user name?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LittleBrother will try to identify users and machines in a format
- which is as easy to understand as possible. However, in some cases
- LittleBrother will be unable to determine the full user name or
- machine name, and will use the Internet Address (IP) and/or Machine
- Address (MAC) instead. If you are running a NetWare network we
- recommend that you use the Novell NetWare Client 32 on the machine
- that is running LittleBrother. This will allow LittleBrother to query
- login information that is not supported by the Microsoft NetWare
- Client. On Microsoft networks, LittleBrother will search for the
- User and Machine names using NetBIOS and the Domain Name System
- (DNS). If LittleBrother cannot find the Machine name, it will report
- its address instead.
- No blocking notification message sent to the user's workstation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- I can only receive the blocking message on some computers when I try
- to access the restricted site. Why is that?
- Depending on the OS environment of the computer, some computers will
- always receive the message, some need to run an additional utility
- from the OS.
- If the computer is running Windows NT 3.51/4.0 (both workstation and
- server), it should always receive the message.
- If the computer is running Windows 95/3.1x.
- Case 1. Without the Novell NetWare Client - You have to run
- winpopup to receive the message.
- Case 2. With the Novell NetWare Client - Make sure to select the
- option in the NetWare Client configuration screen to
- allow the broadcast message and run nwpopup.
- We recommend to put the winpopup or nwpopup into the startup group.
- Winpopup is a Microsoft utility that comes with every Windows 95/3.1x.
- Nwpopup is a utility that comes with the Novell NetWare Client for Windows.
- I get more than one copy of the blocking message.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LittleBrother uses the Windows NT messenger service to send blocking
- messages. If you have more than one network protocol stack installed
- (e.g. IP and IPX), this service will automatically send a copy of the
- message with each protocol to make sure the recipient gets it.
- Why isn't LittleBrother blocking?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- You may have an evaluation copy of the LittleBrother, or you only
- purchased the regular version of LittleBrother. Blocking is only
- available for LittleBrother Pro. You can call or email us to upgrade
- to LittleBrother Pro.
- When I connect to a Web site, LittleBrother shows a connection to a
- local machine or company gateway instead.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Check to see if you have a proxy server set up. LittleBrother detects
- the actual destination of the network traffic. When you use a proxy
- server, you are actually sending your request directly to the proxy
- server, and the proxy server gets any information it needs from the
- Web site.
- We have a lot of users using Internet. Why does LittleBrother always show
- only a limited number(10/25/50 etc.) of users?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- You may have more users in your network than specified on your license.
- LittleBrother will only sum up to the number of licensed users.
- To fix this problem, you can upgrade your license.
- You can also use the Node Filter option to filter out users you
- don't want to see.
- Why does LittleBrother only show a few users in the network and I have enough
- licenses for all my users?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- On the main view of LittleBrother, by default it is configured to show
- only active Internet users for the past hour. For other users that are not using
- the Internet but may be using the Intranet (LAN), LittleBrother will
- not show them by default. To see all active users in the network,
- you can reconfigure the main view option.
- 1) Click on the "Configure" button on the main view.
- 2) Uncheck the "Exclude Intranet" option.
- LittleBrother shows that I went to playboy.com for 10 minutes but I swear I
- only went there for a minute. Why is that?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LittleBrother only estimates the time usage; it does not actually
- measure how long the connection took. The reason is that the user
- can always spend more time reading the material than it actually takes
- to transmit them. LittleBrother can only try its best to do an
- educated estimate.
- LittleBrother reports that I went to 10 different sites and stayed there 10
- minutes each in the last hour. The math does not add up. According to
- LittleBrother, there is 100 minutes in an hour. Why is that?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- See the answer from the last question.
- Some sites that I see are not categorized. How do I add them in?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LittleBrother includes a site database that is constantly updated by
- full time employees. However, you may still see that some sites are
- not categorized. To do this, simply double-click on the site in the
- report (or IP address, which you can rename too), and give it a category
- rating.
- What are the requirements for LittleBrother to work on a Switching Hub network?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- - Many makers of switching hubs anticipated the need for
- monitoring and provided VLAN port which shows all available
- traffic.
- - Alternatively, some switching hubs can be configured to
- disable switching on any given port and turn it into a VLAN port.
- - If the hardware provides no monitoring aids, all Internet
- traffic can still be monitored by tapping into a connection
- between Internet router and the hub.
- On 10Base2 networks, this takes a T-connector.
- On 10BaseT networks, one will need an inexpensive 3-port hub.
- LittleBrother is not showing the sites users are going to
- in the main user view/report.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LB comes configured in a way that speeds up reporting capabilities
- by not showing the top site for each user in the main user view.
- However, you can change this by simply clicking on the "Configure"
- button at the bottom of the main report, and then checking the "Show
- Main Destination" box. This will show the site a user was at, or
- which site the user stayed the longest, in the main user screen.
- This is also configurable when you go to do a Top Talker or Top Sites
- report.
- When I return in the morning, I don't see any users in
- the main report. Why?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- First of all, be sure that LittleBrother has been running for at least
- a few minutes in order for it to detect users on your network.
- Sometimes, you may notice that users "drop off" after LB has been
- running for a while. In reality, the main report shows the last
- hour's worth of information. So, if no one's been using the Internet
- in the past hour, you aren't going to see any information.
- When I run a User Detail or Site Detail report, not all the
- information is there.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- These reports run off of the last report generated, or if no report is
- available, it will run off of the main view.
- Some users on my network are being displayed as sites.
- Why is this?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If LittleBrother detects your computer connecting to other computers,
- even though they are on your network, it will register them as remote
- sites. If this is occurring, you may need to configure LB to
- recognize different subnets within your network. This can be done by
- going to the Tools->Network->Advanced dialog.
- What are the approved TokenRing cards for LittleBrother?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- LittleBrother has been verified to work with the following
- adapters/configurations:
- Madge Smart 16/4 ISA PnP Ringnode
- For Windows 95, you have to set the adapter for promiscuous mode.
- See topic Promiscuous mode on Madge Token Ring adapters.
- IBM Dual Auto LAN Streamer PCI(Windows NT 4.0)
- Micro Channel (Windows NT4)
- Proteon 1690 (Windows95)
- IBM reports that promiscuous mode is supported on its PCI
- cards, but not on their ISA cards.
- What is the extra dot for at the end of a user/site name?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- If you change a user's or site's name, it will have a "." at the end,
- to signify that it has been changed.
- Why the total time spent does not agree in different reports?
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- It is because users can access many different Internet sites
- at the same time.
- For example, John can do 5 different things in the Internet at
- the same time. He brings up 5 copies of the Web browser
- to do the following:
- 1) Downdload the latest Web browser from www.Netscape.com
- 2) Downdload the latest Windows 95 patch from www.Microsoft.com
- 3) Downdload the latest stock quotes from www.StockQuote.com
- 4) Chat with a friend in UK (www.TheCompany.com.uk)
- 5) Check the latest news from www.CNN.com
- And John spends 60 minutes on each single task.
- The top talker report will show John spent a total of 60 minutes.
- The user detail report will show John spent a combined total of
- 300 minutes (5 sites and each site John spent 60 minutes).
- Both are correct.
- John really only spent his 60 minutes doing all these tasks, and it
- shows in the top talker report.
- However, if you look at the user detail report, he also did
- spend 60 minutes on each single site. But in here, you cannot
- conclude that John spent a total of 300 minutes by adding time
- spent from each site.
- Remember, John can multitask.